?JCI Tsuen Wan《荃說》2021年第二期刊?
大家好, 2021年第二期等咗好耐嘅《荃說》已經出版咗喇。今期出版團隊搞搞新意思,訪問其他唔同行業既成功人士。 團隊有幸邀請香港著名歌手鍾舒漫SHERMAN CHUNG 講述唱歌以外既發展, 如何在疫情下突破而出。仲有第一個駕駛自己整既飛機環遊世界既香港機師鄭楚衡HANK CHENG,分享點樣實現自己既夢想。除封面專訪外,我們再次繼續刊載了本會兩個旗艦項目《傑出家族企業選舉》同《遊戲權利您有SAY》嘅活動內容以及2021的青年領導能力訓練活動既內容。歡迎各位細閱。
? 【遊戲權利您有SAY精華片段】
? 【荃灣JCI 青年領導能力訓練活動 】
?JCI Tsuen Wan “Talk of Tsuen Wan” 2021 issue 2?
Hello Everyone, the long waited Second Issue of 2021 “Talk of Tsuen Wan” has been published. In this issue, publication team has interview with successful people in different area. We invited a Hong Kong famous singer SHERMAN CHUNG and a pilot who led a project about the firstever homebuilt aircraft certified to fly under Hong Kong registration HANK CHENG to have an exclusive interview to share their other side business under Covid-19 and how to make the dream coming true, respectively. In addition to the cover interview, we also published the introduction of our two flagship projects “Outstanding Family Business Selection” and “Children’s playright you have say”, together with the outlook of 2021. Also, there are some highlights of leadership training in JCI Tsuen Wan. Enjoy reading.
Second Issue comprehensive contents:
? 【Exclusive coverage: Interview with SHERMAN CHUNG AND HANK CHENG】
? 【Outstanding Family Business Selection Awardees】
? 【The highlights of Children’s Playright You Have Say】
? 【Youth development in JCI Tsuen Wan】
?For detail reading, please download “Talk of Tsuen Wan”?
#JCI Tsuen Wan
#Sherman Chung
#Hank Cheng
#Children’s playright
#leadership training
#Talk of Tsuen Wan
Denizköşkler su kaçak tespiti Dairemizde yaşanan su sızıntısını termal kamerayla tespit ettiler. Her aşamayı fotoğrafladılar. Sevim O. https://erybodyh8schrys.com/author/kacak/